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Electoral Votes By State Population

Electoral Vote Counts: Top Ten States Hold Significant Sway

256 Votes Controlled by Key States

In the United States, the electoral college plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of presidential elections. Each state is allocated a certain number of electoral votes based on its population, with the candidate who wins the most electoral votes becoming president, regardless of the popular vote.

2024 and 2028 Electoral Vote Allocations

The 2020 Census has resulted in changes to the allocation of electoral votes for the 2024 and 2028 presidential elections. These allocations are based on the population data collected during the census.

Top Ten States with Electoral Votes

The top ten states with the highest number of electoral votes are as follows:

  • California: 55
  • Texas: 38
  • Florida: 30
  • New York: 29
  • Pennsylvania: 20
  • Illinois: 20
  • Ohio: 18
  • Georgia: 16
  • North Carolina: 15
  • Michigan: 15

These top ten states control a total of 256 votes, representing nearly half (47.6%) of the 538 electoral votes available.
